With the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s innovative tool you can easily compare prices, contract terms and other plan differences.
When shopping for an electric supplier find your Price to Compare on your electric utility bill and use that number to compare to other offers listed on PUCO’s Apples to Apples comparison chart. When shopping for a natural gas supplier find your current Mcf/Ccf rate and use that number to compare to other offers listed on the PUCO's Apples to Apples comparison chart. After determining your Price to Compare or your current Mcf/Ccf rate of natural gas supply, use our Apples to Apples chart to identify offers based on cost, contract length or other incentives.
Contact the suppliers that you are most interested in and ask these questions. To sign up simply call that supplier. The supplier will contact your local electric utility for you.
Make sure you carefully read and understand all of the terms and conditions of your supply contract. The supplier should be able to answer any questions you have.
Your local electric or natural gas utility will send you a letter confirming the supplier you have chosen. If the information is correct, you do not have to do anything. If the information is not correct, contact the utility and request that the switch be stopped. You have seven days from the postmark date of the letter to make any changes.